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Scheduled for: Friday 13th September – h 19.00
Registration deadline: 9 September 2024


A “Basketball 3 vs 3” tournament. It is a sporting and goliardic competition, in fact the participants will have to drink before each match a glass of HEINEKEN ZERO (non-alcoholic beer). 


4 groups of 3 teams, each match will last 5 minutes without interruption. The winners of each group will enter the final table. Semifinals and Final (7 minutes without interruption). The total duration of the game will be about two hours starting at 17.00.


 “Mono Canestro” in Calata Anselmi – Vintage Pier


POINTS: Each shot made inside the bow is worth 2 points.  Each shot made behind the bow is worth 3 points. Wins who has obtained the most points in the time expired.  Who undergoes basket, has the right of possession ball. 


The standard time is as follows: a single 7-minute period. The timer never stops, even during dead ball situations. In any case, the first team to score 21 points or more wins the race if this happens before the end of the regular time. This rule applies only to regulatory time (not in a potential additional time). If the score is tied at the end of the regular time, an extra time is played after a one-minute break. The first team to score two points in the overtime wins the race. 


A team runs out of bonus after 6 fouls. Players are not excluded in the face of the number of personal fouls, which can make a maximum of 5. After the 6th team foul, each foul committed will be awarded 1 point to the other team. The fouls committed during the shooting act and followed by a basket made, are punished with an additional point. 


After each wrong shot (except those followed by ball possession):

If the attacking team takes the rebound, it can continue to attack the basket without letting the ball out of the arc. If the defending team takes the rebound, they must carry the ball over the 3-point arc (passing or passing). If the defending team steals or blocks the ball, it must return it to the 3-point arc (passing or passing).

Every possession of the ball by both teams, following any situation of dead ball (out, foul, basket immediately), must begin with a check, that is, with the delivery of the ball (between defender and attacker) behind the arch and in any position. A player considers himself “behind the bow” when both feet are outside of the bow and not in contact with the line. In case of a contested ball, the possession is taken by the defending team.



Staying in stalemate or avoiding active play (i.e., not attacking the basket) is considered a violation. A team must shoot within 12 seconds, timed. In case of a violation, the ball will be assigned to the opposing team. When the ball hits the iron, the timer will reset.


Substitutions can be made by any team during any dead ball situation, before a check. The substitute may enter the game when the partner leaves the field and after a physical contact between the two. Substitutions do not require any intervention by the referee or field officers.

For info and registration please write to: games@veledepoca.com

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