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Scheduled for: Thursday 12th September – h 22.00
Registration deadline: 9 September 2024


Water games for teams of at least eight participants (max 10). Each team shall have at least 3 female and 3 male participants. The teams will choose a battle name, which can also be that of a sponsor and will always be represented by a captain. Each team will have a mascot or symbol to be used as a wild card doubles the score to be used in one of the games of the evening. The wild card shall be presented to the jury at the end of the previous game. The score will be counted according to the placement obtained in each of the six games with attribution as follows:

10 teams:

First place: 15 points
Second place: 12 points
Third place: 10 points
Fourth place: 8 points
Fifth place: 6 points
Sixth place: 5 points
Seventh place: 4 points
Eight place: 3 points
Ninth place: 2 points
Tenth place: 1 point

8 teams:

First place: 10 points
Second place: 8 points
Third place: 6 points
Fourth place: 5 points
Fifth place: 4 points
Sixth place: 3 points
Seventh place: 2 points
Eight place: 1 points

The team that, at the ends of the 6 games, has scored the most points, will win the competition, and the others will be ranked by the same criteria. If at the end of all 6 games there will be a case of a tie for the first place between two or more teams, will proceed with immediately to make another three rounds of the last game, the MUSICIAN, to determine the winning team and possibly the other positions. If the tie will be

For the second or third place, will be given priority to those who have won the most during the evening (or placing on the second or possibly third step of the podium). If a team shows up without the minimum of eight participants, it will take part in the games, and when necessary the participation of eight competitors (eight on the boat, man michelin, the musician) will finish the game at the last participant present.

No registration fee is required but a deposit of 200€ per team to submit at the time of registration that will be returned at the end of the evening. If a team will not show with at least six competitors the share will be retained by the organization as criminal.


Play 8 teams in a single round or two rounds of 5 teams. It is a path to be taken two times, the first one by a boy and the second by a girl.

Maximum time 8 minutes. It starts from the jetty with dive, you have to swim for about 10 meters, then you climb on a floating bridge and cross it passing exclusively above (if you fall into the water, you will have to repeat the obstacle from the beginning), always following the path you get from the opposite side, double the floating buoy, you pass necessarily under the obstacles returning to the starting edge by slalom between the buoys, to give the change of the team-mate (touching her).

The second player, touched by the partner, can dive to cover his competition. The girl will finish the team test by touching the starting pier.


It is a game with relay method, play 8 teams at a time, or two heats by 5 teams. The objective is to walk through the water mirror of about 20 meters and one more team-mate on each side of the raft until reaching the deck of eight players who must walk the last side.

Participants who will climb the boat must always be entirely above it, it is not worth hanging to the boat and

standing in the water, the water should be touched only by hands and at the limit feet.

The game ends when the last team returns to the starting board after loading the eighth mate, or with those who survived, or declares itself sunk or overturned. 

In case one or more players fall into the water will not be able to recover. 

Wins the game who finish with 8 competitors in the shortest time, then follow in the ranking those who arrive at goal with fewer competitors always in time (counts primarily the number of passengers on arrival, then the time, the crew flipped will be classified to follow in based on the number of competitors on board).


There are X teams per turn. In this game, the water gates are placed in front of the dock from where each team has 8 balls with the aim to make goal in the goal defended by a member of an opposing team.

The winner is the player with the most goals in the time allowed for the game. Penalty kicks will be played by at least six different participants.

It’s about the tie, not time.


All teams play in a single round or 5 per round. In this game each team places 4 players per side of the water mirror on the pontoons. Each player must be provided with a donut. 

The game consists of a swim relay with the lifejackets, the first player travels the distance between the two piers wearing his donut, and once reached the opposite side will deliver the lifejacket to the partner who must put it on and leave with two donuts.

The game continues until the eighth participant crosses the sea with eight donuts (the change must be done exclusively near the edge of the jetty or standing on it).

The game, timed, ends when the last player reaches the finish line and firstly will be estimated the number of donuts brought to the arrival. Secondly, the time taken (donuts lost along the way can no longer be recovered, only those near the pontoon paraded during exchange operations).

Maximum time 10 minutes.


Four or five teams play in two heats. In this game the accumulated score will be considered by collecting floating objects in the water mirror, regardless of the time taken.

Each item recovered and kept on board at the end of the time limit will earn a point.

Each team will participate with three players all aboard the raft, including at least one woman who will have the role of recovering floating objects; the girl will wear a bandage that will prevent her from seeing, and must be based on the suggestions of the team-mate, to whom will also be assigned to move the boat in the water mirror.

It is absolutely forbidden, under penalty of disqualification, any not accidental physical contact between the girls, steal the objects already embarked on the boats of others, remove the bandage, and for the rowers loading of objects on board.


It is the final game that will see all teams simultaneously engaged, a water remake of an old, very funny television game. 

The contestants sitting on the starting pontoon, with a life jacket already worn, listen to the piece of a song that is proposed at high volume by the dj. 

Once the title has been identified, the competitors will swim keeping the lifebuoy at the hip until they reach the opposite pier, thus gaining the right to respond according to the speaker’s order of arrival. 

The contestant who gives the correct answer (title and author of the song) will gain a point but will lose a point if he gives it wrong. 

The team that will win the game the most points at the end of eight heats. 

The musical pieces, matched to a number, will be drawn publicly at the beginning of each round and the DJ will start the piece corresponding to the number drawn so that the musical proposal is as well as unknown, completely random. 

At each subsequent round, it will be mandatory to replace the competitor, who has already participated in a round will no longer participate.


Will replace one of the previous six games in case of technical problem or equipment failure preventing its performance.


In this game 2 boats will be placed on either side of the water mirror of the pool, with two crew members on board; at the start whistle, the teams will leave to make one or two laps (depending on the time of the evening) of the path in the shape of zero with the obligation to double the buoys with the left side of the boats. 

The two teams that have achieved the shortest time of travel will play the final, the others will be ranked from the third place to follow according to the time obtained. 

You can row with your hands.

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